At AIS we hope to offer our children a broad, balanced and thought provoking curriculum which includes a wide range of experiences. The holistic experience we offer our children is underpinned by happiness, well-being and gratitude. We envisage that the high quality teaching, combined with interesting and purposeful learning experiences, in a stimulating environment will encourage all children to progress rapidly in their educational journey; as well as to be curious, kind and confident. By doing so, we aim to enable all children to communicate effectively using a rich vocabulary, empathy, understanding and opinion. We hope all our children learn to challenge themselves, believe in ‘The Power of … yet’ and have the ability to show courage when faced with difficulty. At the end of their primary school journey we hope that all our children leave with a character that is developed in such a positive way that each individual is the best version of themselves and they can step into their future with a body of knowledge and a range of attributes that will lead to success in whatever path they take.

Mission & VISION:

To prepare our students to meet the challenges of dynamic and changing globe.
Provision of highly effective teachers focused on improving stydents outcomes.
AIS cultivate academic growth in safe and caring environment.

Our Core Values:

displays good manners at all times

displays tolerance of others with different points of view and beliefs

shows respect for the school buildings, facilities and surrounding environment

By excellence we mean that everyone

is proud of personal achievement

produces work of the highest quality

sets high standards and personal goals for improvement

makes best use of talents, time and resources